
What is a neuro-ophthalmologist?
Neuro-ophthalmologists takes care of visual problems that are related to the nervous system; visual problems that do not come from the eye themselves. Neuro-ophthalmologists have the unique ability to evaluate patients from the neurologic, ophthalmologic, and medical standpoints to diagnose and treat a wide variety of health issues.
What are the kinds of health issues an neuro-ophthalmologist evaluate?
A neuro-ophthalmologist evaluates issues like optic nerve problems, visual loss, unexplained visual loss, visual disturbances, double vision, abnormal eye movements, MS, unequal pupil size, among others.
How to prepare for a Neuro-ophthalmology evaluation
- Request that all your relevant information be sent to our office prior to your appointment. This includes office notes and interpretation/results from lab, CT and MRI.
- If you have had a CT or MRI please bring the results from the radiologist.
- Most likely you will have your eyes dilated. Bring sunglasses or arrange for a ride.
- Please do not wear eye make-up
- Bring your glasses
- Bring a complete list (name and dosage) of all the medication you take whether they are prescribed or over the counter.
- Please be prepared to be at our Center for 3 hours.
What will happen during my evaluation?
- A complete personal medical history
- A complete eye exam
- A partial or complete neurological exam to test strength, sensation, and coordination
- Review scans or MRI (if applicable)
- Dr. Alvarez will discuss with you her findings and diagnoses. She may also ask you to do some more tests (if you have been asked to do some extra tests make sure they are done prior to your next appointment).